OP 136. Validation of a Training Program for Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

F. Julián Pérez-Duarte, B. Fernández-Tomé, I. Días-Güemes Martín-Portugués, S. Enciso Sanz, A Matos-Azevedo, M. Angel Sánchez-Hurtado, L. Hernández Hurtado, F. Miguel Sánchez-Margallo

Chair(s): Yuzo Yamamoto, Denise Dufrane, Mihály Boros

16:10 - 16:20h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Surgical Education and Simulation

Session: Oral Session XV - Surgical education and Simulation II

We present our experience in the design and development of a training program in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Preliminary validation of this program is also attempted.

Material and Methods:
Our training model for Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, with a total duration of 42 hours, is divided in two modules of 21 hours each, attended 1 month apart. The program begins with acquisition of basic laparoscopic dexterities through the performance of hands-on physical simulator tasks, followed by the performance of uretrovesical anastomoses also on physical simulator, during the second and third days of the course. Attendant’s skills improvement was analyzed during this first module by registering task completion times and suturing quality by means of a controlled leak test. At the end of the training program, a subjective evaluation questionnaire on different didactic and organizational aspects was handed out to the attendants.

Comparing the first and the last anastomoses hands-on simulator, we observed a significant decrease in surgical times (T1 40.1±4.6 vs. T6 24.01±3.34; p≤0.005) and an also significant increase in intraluminal leak pressure (T1 8.27±7.33 vs. T6 21.09±6.72; p≤0.005). A highly positive score was obtained on all questions concerning the different topics and techniques included in the training program (≥9 points over 10).

The first module of our training model leads to significant decrease in uretrovesical anastomosis performance times, simultaneously increasing its quality. This training model was also very positively assessed by the attendants.