OP 45. Characterization of a Murine Model of Hindlimb Chronic Ischaemia

B. Herrero-De-La-Parte, I. Garcia-Alonso, M. Morales, M. Garcia-Vazquez

Chair(s): Gábor Szabó, Beat Walpoth & Violetta Kékesi

17:50 - 18:00h at Erszebet Room (A)

Categories: Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session V - Cardiac and Vascular Surgery I

Peripheral arterial disease affects around 10-20% of people over 70 in western countries. Up to 30% of patients cannot benefit from current treatments, while a significant proportion of those who undergo surgery will eventually lose their extremity. More research in this field is therefore mandatory, and so are appropriate animal models.

Material and Methods:
Six adult and six young male Wag/RijCrl rats, and 19 BalbC mice were used. Under isoflurane anesthesia the common femoral artery was ligated. Capillary blood flow was assessed by means of a Laser Doppler (Oxford ArrayTM). Three different measurements were performed in each limb (ischaemic and control) just prior and after artery ligation, and there on every week. A group of young rats treated with CsA (10mg/k ip) received 700,000 mesenchymal stem cells or the solvent into the semimembranous muscle. After three weeks the animals were sacrificed and the semimembranous muscle was embedded in paraffin.

Following artery ligation, capillary blood flow dropped to 24%±7.1 in adult rats, while in younger animals it only fell to 41%±4.7. Two weeks later, capillary flow was partially recovered (41%±9.8 and 73%±7.3 respectively). In mice, capillary flow fell initially to 48%±18.2, recovering to 67%±29.3 after 21 days. Animals with mesenchymal stem cells showed increased blood flow on day 8th (125% vs 58%, p<0.001) and 15th (117% vs 73%, p<0.001).

Chronic hindlimb ischemia was successfully developed in both animal models. Intramuscular injection of mesenchymal stem cells improved recovery of capillary blood flow following artery ligation.