OP 55. Changes on Glucose Homeostasis in an Obese Minipig after LRYGBP

L. Hernández Hurtado, I. Días-Güemes Martín-Portugués, J. De la Cruz Vigo, A Matos-Azevedo, J. García Casado, F. Miguel Sánchez-Margallo

17:50 - 18:00h at Buda Room (B)

Categories: Endocrine Surgery, Oral Session

Session: Oral Session VI - Endocrine Surgery

The aim of this study is to assess the changes on glucose metabolism after a laparoscopic roux en Y gastric bypass in an obese Gottingen minipig, after a medium-term postoperative period wherein weight loss changes were minimum.

Material and Methods:
9 obese male Gottingen minipigs underwent a LRYGBP. Obesity was induced by feeding during a period of 9 months with a high-fat diet. After surgery, minipigs were fed with a high-caloric pasty for four months in order to maintain the body weight.
Fasting plasmatic levels of glucose, insulin, GLP-1 and glucagon were obtained prior to and after 4 months of LRYGBP. The blood samples were collected in conscious pigs. Glucose was determined immediately after blood sampling by an automated chemistry analyzer. Plasmatic insulin, GLP-1 and GIP concentrations were measured by a porcine specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Body weight remained unchanged four months after surgery. Glucagon (1.12 ± 0.67 vs 0.92 ±0.22 ng/μL) and GLP (138.26 ± 50.47 vs 147.11 ± 110.29) showed a slight decrease and increase, respectively. Whereas insulin concentration presented an statistically significant fall at the end of the study (2.27 ± 0.84 vs 1.35 ± 0.74 μg/dL, p=0.001), along with glucose (100.86 ± 7.27 vs 82.29 ±13.96 mg/dL, p=0.02).

This study showed that even maintaining body weight between narrow margins, LRYGBP causes long-term beneficial changes in the metabolism of glucose in obese minipigs.